Monday, August 30, 2010

Inspiration #gf Mixes

I just found this article about a new company making gluten-free mixes out of Oregon, Inspiration Mixes.  Does anyone have any experience with them?  I'd love to hear some feedback....they have rice in them otherwise I'd try them myself.  Here's their website

Still looking for a great #gf bread recipe without rice...

Thanks, the FAQ


Gluten Free Sourdough Baker said...

Dear Food Allergy Queen,
I have developed a gluten-free, rice-free sourdough technique and offer it in my book: The Art of Gluten-Free Sourdough Baking:Rice-Free Edition.

I started with a rice starter base and moved on to rice-free for the rice-allergic folks.

Here is the link for more info:

The book has extensive technical info about working with the starters and batters. It has a handful of excellent bread recipes and I am currently testing more recipes to add to it which you would receive as part of the cost of the book. I also offer some free email support to get you starter.

The breads are excellent with great taste, texture and a very long shelf life on the counter!

At this point I'm finding my rice-free breads to be better than my rice based breads.

Contact me if you have questions.
Sharon a. kane

Food Allergy Queen said...

Sharon, thanks for this! I would love to have sourdough again...and since I'm working full-time again I don't have the brainspace to be tinkering in the kitchen as much. I'll be ordering soon, and will post a report!

Thanks, Kishari