Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Allergic Girl in the news

So so great. One of my allergy buddies, fellow blogger Allergic Girl (allergic to nuts and fish) got an article written in CNN.com about her Worry-Free Dinners, which she organizes in her hometown of New York City. Even if you don't live in New York, you can take awayhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif her tips on how she still eats in great restaurants with food allergies!

Here's the to the article http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/09/16/food.allergies.restaurants/index.html

And here's the URL to her blog: http://allergicgirl.blogspot.com


The Freak Food Gourmet said...

Just found your blog and I'm so happy to learn I'm not alone! I'll keep reading, as I am continuing to glean new food ideas. It keeps me out of the 'food rut'. Yay!

Kelly said...

I am very happy to have found your blog! i just started my own kellyrudnicki.wordpress.com and will start posting new recipes to share too! i'll definitely keep reading!